Book Recommendations: Romance

book recommendations romance

Hi guys! It’s time for a few more book recommendations. Today I decided to recommend you a few of my Favorite Romance books because Valentine’s Day is in less than a week. This recommendations post will be a little bit different from the others because it will be split in categories. So let’s see which books made to this list 🙂 . Continue reading

Favorite Bookish Couples

favorite bookish couples

Hi guys!! With Valentine’s Day jus around the corner I decided that I wanted to do a few posts that would be more Valentine’s Day related. I don’t really care about Valentine’s Day and even if I cared I would be celebrating Singles Awareness Day on the 15th but who cares? I love bookish couples and everything that is romance. So today I’m going to show you my Favorite Bookish Couples. I’m pretty sure that by now a few of you will know who is on my top 3 but I still had a lot of fun while doing this top. So here’s some of my favorite bookish couples. Continue reading

T5W – Books I’m Thankful For

t5w new header

It’s that time of the week again when I bring you the Top 5 Wednesdays, created by gingerreadslainey. If you want to know how T5W works you can go to the Goodreads group by clicking here. This week theme is Books I’m Thankful For. While I don’t celebrate Thanksgiving, because it isn’t something that is celebrated in Portugal, there are a few books that I’m thankful for.So let’s start this list. Continue reading

Fall Time Cozy Time Book Tag!

Fall Time Cozy Time

Hi guys! I’m back with another tag and because it’s fall it’s the perfect time to do the Fall Time Cozy Time Book Tag. I was tagged by the lovely Kat @ Life and Other Disasters and I decided to answer to it right away. However, when I was answering to the questions I was also tagged by Keira @ Signing On to do the same tag so here it is. So thank you both for tagging me 🙂 . If you haven’t visited their blogs what are you waiting?

Okay, let’s start this tag. Continue reading

Book Recommendations: Favorite Books Part I

books recommendations favorite books part 1

Hi guys! Today I decided to start doing some book recommendations and I’ll try to do this often with different themes. Because it’s my first book recommendations post I decided to talk about some of my favorite books. I have so many favorite books that I decided to split the post in two. For this week books I choose some well-known known books and also a few books that I normally don’t hear people talking about. So let’s start these recommendations. Continue reading

My Life in Books! Book Tag

my life in books

Hi guys! Today I wasn’t going to do a tag because my last was a tag but once again I had no time to write a post so to have a post up I decided to do another tag (I promise you that I will not post a tag for the next week 😛 ). Today I’m going to answer to the My Life in Books! book tag. I wasn’t tagged by anyone but I saw it over a Cristina’s blog My Tiny Obsessions and it looked so funny that I had to do it. After that I found out that I’d been tagged by the amazing Analle @ Book Snacks so thanks you Analle for tagging me 🙂 .

1. Find a Book for Each of your Initials.


C – City of Heavenly Fire

I – Ignite Me

P – The Perks of Being a Wallflower

J – Just One Day

2. Count your Age Along Your Bookshelf – Which Book Is It?

If I Stay (If I Stay, #1)

I have two bookshelves in different houses but I have to use the bookshelf next to me right now that is basically my TBR and books that I still have to take home. In this bookshelf the book number 25 (my age) is If I Stay by Gayle Forman.

3. Pick a Book Set in your City/State/Country.

Os Maias

I’m stealing the answer that Cristina used and choose Os Maias by Eça Queirós. It’s an amazing book set in Portugal. Also, I live close to Sintra and part of the book is in Sintra (which by the way it’s a beautiful village). And have I told you that this book is the reason why I started reading?

4. Pick a Book that Represents a Destination you Would Love to Travel to.

Isla and the Happily Ever After (Anna and the French Kiss, #3)

I was going to say Anna and the French Kiss but then I remembered that I also want to travel to New York so I will pick Isla and the Happily Ever After by Stephanie Perkins.

5. Pick a Book that’s your Favorite Color.


Once again I’m stealing Cristina’s answer. I just love the colors (especially the mint green) used on Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell.

6. Which Book do you Have the Fondest Memories of?

Meet Me Under the Ombu Tree

I think I’ve already talked about this book but it’s Meet Me Under the Ombu Tree by Santa Montefiore. I absolutely love that book and is just an amazing read.

7. Which Book did you Have the Most Difficulty Reading?

Dragonfly in Amber (Outlander, #2)

Probably Dragonfly in Amber by Diana Gabaldon. I’ve been trying to finish it since May but I still have 275 pages to go.

8. Which Book in Your TBR Pile will Give you the Biggest Sense of Accomplishment When you Finish it?

Sem Título

Once again, Dragonfly in Amber by Diana Gabaldon or The Luminaries by Eleanor Catton. I will be extremely happy when I finish one of these books.

So this is it. I’m not tagging anyone in particular but if you want to do this tag just tell me and you’re tagged 🙂 .

Book Traveling Thursdays #5 – A monster of a book (500+ pages)!

Today is thursday which means that is Book Traveling Thursdays, a weekly meme created by me and Danielle @ Danielle’s Book Blog. This weekly meme consists in picking a book related to the weekly theme that is announced in the group Goodreads page (if you want to join click here) at the beginning of each month. After that you can write a blog post where you explain why you choose that book and choose different covers from different countries. To make it a little bit easy you are going to choose different editions of the original cover, the cover from your country, your favorite cover, and your least favorite cover. This week theme is A Monster of a Book which means that he have to choose a book with 500 pages or more. I was going to choose Harry Potter and the Order of Phoenix but after thinking about it I decided to choose something else mostly because everyone has seen most of the Harry Potter covers. I ended up choosing the 1st monster of a book that I’ve read when I was about 17 years-old. The book I’ve chosen was Meet me Under the Ombu Tree by Santa Montefiore. I know that probably no one heard about this book or author but it’s one of my favorite books so I had to choose it.

Original Cover:

Meet Me Under the Ombu Tree

This is the original cover and I think that it’s beautiful because it really reminds of the book. Part of the book is in Argentine pampa and this cover is exactly what I would choose for a book like this. So yeah, I love it.

Cover from my Country (Portugal):


The first cover is the one that I have. It’s not the best cover but is also related with the book so it could have been worse. The second cover was release a few years later and every time I went to a bookshop when it was released I wanted to buy it because it’s a beautiful cover. Look at that colors. I had to had a lot of self-control to not buy this book again.

Favorite Covers:


As you may have imagine the original cover and one of the portuguese covers are my favorite. I love them and it reminds me of the book.

Least Favorite Covers:

least favorite

Let’s talk about these terrible covers. The first (the dutch cover) I don’t like because I don’t like the superposition of the images. The second one (Italy) is just bad. That cover doesn’t remind me of the book at all. Actually it looks like one of that cheap erotica book covers. No, no, I don’t like it. I don’t know what the designers had in their minds when they decided to use this cover. The only reason I don’t like the last one (Serbia) is because that is not a ombu tree. I know that there’s no ombu tree in the other covers but this one is the most noticeable. If I saw this I would think that the book occurred in Japan and not in Argentina.

So this is it, this week Book Traveling Thursdays. What did you think of these covers? Tell me in the comments 🙂 .