Anticipating Book Releases – April 2017

Hi guys! It’s the end of March which means it’s almost April and Spring is here. Just like almost everytime April is full of awesome releases and some are in my most anticipated for 2017 list. So let’s see some books that are going to be released in the next month. Once again, if you want more information about the book click on its cover. It will take to the Goodreads page. Continue reading

2017 New Adult Reading Challenge – March Update


Hi guys!It’s the end of the month which means it’s time for an update for 2017 New Adult Reading Challenge. As, I said before, I’m trying to read as much new adult books as I can so I can keep progressing in the different categories and I’m aiming for NA Advanced category, which means I’ll have to read 36 new adult books this year, but I really hope I can read even more. The second part of this challenge is a reading bingo that I’m also trying to complete.

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Book Traveling Thursdays #78 – Take a Walk in the Park Day

wToday is thursday which means that is Book Traveling Thursdays, a weekly meme created by me and Danielle @ Danielle’s Book Blog. This weekly meme consists in picking a book related to the weekly theme that is announced in the group Goodreads page (if you want to join click here) at the beginning of each month. After that you can write a blog post where you explain why you choose that book and choose different covers from different countries. To make it a little bit easy you are going to choose different editions of the original cover, the cover from your country, your favorite cover, and your least favorite cover.
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WWW Wednesday #11: March 29th 2017


Hi guys! It’s time for another WWW Wednesday, a weekly meme hosted by Sam Taking On A World Of Words where the goal of this meme is to answer the following questions:

What are you currently reading?
What did you recently finish reading?
What do you think you’ll read next?

So here’s what I’ve been reading and plan on read the next week: Continue reading

Book Traveling Thursdays #77 – International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination

Today is thursday which means that is Book Traveling Thursdays, a weekly meme created by me and Danielle @ Danielle’s Book Blog. This weekly meme consists in picking a book related to the weekly theme that is announced in the group Goodreads page (if you want to join click here) at the beginning of each month. After that you can write a blog post where you explain why you choose that book and choose different covers from different countries. To make it a little bit easy you are going to choose different editions of the original cover, the cover from your country, your favorite cover, and your least favorite cover.
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WWW Wednesday #10: March 22nd 2017


Hi guys! It’s time for another WWW Wednesday, a weekly meme hosted by Sam Taking On A World Of Words where the goal of this meme is to answer the following questions:

What are you currently reading?
What did you recently finish reading?
What do you think you’ll read next?

So here’s what I’ve been reading and plan on read the next week: Continue reading