Anticipating Book Releases – August 2016

book releases august 2016

Hi guys! It’s the end of July which means that August is almost here and this year is going on too fast. How?? I keep asking this every time I do a wrap-up or a book releases post XD. But let’s forget how fast 2016 is going by and let’s talk about some of the books that are going to be released in August. August looks like it might be a great month for book releases, especially if you love CoHo (like I do) or Tahereh (once again, I do) or if you’ve been waiting for some sequels of your favorite books. So let’s see some books that are going to be released in the next month. Once again, if you want more information about the book click on its cover. It will take to the Goodreads page. Continue reading

Book Traveling Thursdays #50 – International Day of Friendship

Today is thursday which means that is Book Traveling Thursdays, a weekly meme created by me and Danielle @ Danielle’s Book Blog. This weekly meme consists in picking a book related to the weekly theme that is announced in the group Goodreads page (if you want to join click here) at the beginning of each month. After that you can write a blog post where you explain why you choose that book and choose different covers from different countries. To make it a little bit easy you are going to choose different editions of the original cover, the cover from your country, your favorite cover, and your least favorite cover.
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Beyond the Books #1

beyond the books header

Hi guys! In the past few months I’ve been thinking about talking about more than books because as much as I love books I don’t spend all of my days reading (shocking… I know XD). So after thing about it for a long time I decided to have a new monthly post called Beyond the Books where I’ll be talking about all the random things I’ve been watching or loving during that month. July is actually a great month to start because I have a lot of things to talk about. Continue reading

T5W – Most Unlikable Characters

t5w new header

It’s that time of the week again when I bring you the Top 5 Wednesdays, created by gingerreadslainey and hosted by Sam @ThoughtsOnTomes. If you want to know how T5W works you can go to the Goodreads group by clicking here. This week theme is Most Unlikable CharactersContinue reading

25 Bookish Facts About Me

25 facts about me

Hi guys! Today I didn’t know what I wanted to post and I spent the whole day thinking about what I should write and in the end I decided to share 25 Bookish Facts About Me with you. I have been seeing this around a lot of times in the past few months and I already wanted to do it so why not do it today? These will have the most random things ever because I’m terrible with coming up with facts about me but it looks like it’s going to be fun to do. So here’s some bookish facts about me 😀 Continue reading

Pokémon Go Book Tag


Hi guys!It’s finally happening… I’m doing the Pokémon Go Book Tag. I’ve been seeing this tag around since it was created by  Aentee Read at Midnight and I really wanted to do it because I’m kind of obsessed with the app. I was finally tagged by Kat @ Life and Other Disasters (mostly because she knows how obsessed I am with Pokémon Go XD) so it’s the perfect time to do it. Let’s see my picks for this tag :).

Disclaimer: For this tag I’ll be using Aentee’s graphics because they are amazing and I would never be able to do something as cool as that.
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Book Traveling Thursdays #49 – Music is Everywhere!

Today is thursday which means that is Book Traveling Thursdays, a weekly meme created by me and Danielle @ Danielle’s Book Blog. This weekly meme consists in picking a book related to the weekly theme that is announced in the group Goodreads page (if you want to join click here) at the beginning of each month. After that you can write a blog post where you explain why you choose that book and choose different covers from different countries. To make it a little bit easy you are going to choose different editions of the original cover, the cover from your country, your favorite cover, and your least favorite cover.
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