T5W – Best Suggested Books You Loved

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It’s that time of the week again when I bring you the Top 5 Wednesdays, created by gingerreadslainey. If you want to know how T5W works you can go to the Goodreads group by clicking here. This week theme is Best Suggested Books You Loved. I’m really bad with reading books people recommend but I actually found some even if most of them were recommended by booktubers. Let’s see the books that made this list 🙂 Continue reading

Book Recommendations: Young Adult Contemporary | Part I

book recommendations ya contemporary part 1

Hi guys! It’s time for a few more book recommendations and the theme for today is Young Adult Contemporary Novels. I love contemporary so much that when I was preparing this list I had 15 books to recommend. Because of that I decided to split this in 3 different posts that are going to be uploaded in the next few weeks. If you are used to read contemporary you know that there is this side of contemporary that deals with some difficult themes like mental illness, abuse and others. Because I think that these books are so powerful I wanted to share with you some of my favorite novels that feature one or more of these themes.  So let’s start these recommendations. Continue reading