Book Traveling Thursdays #36 – World Book Day!

Today is thursday which means that is Book Traveling Thursdays, a weekly meme created by me and Danielle @ Danielle’s Book Blog. This weekly meme consists in picking a book related to the weekly theme that is announced in the group Goodreads page (if you want to join click here) at the beginning of each month. After that you can write a blog post where you explain why you choose that book and choose different covers from different countries. To make it a little bit easy you are going to choose different editions of the original cover, the cover from your country, your favorite cover, and your least favorite cover.
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Book Recommendations: LGBTQ Books

book recommendations LGBTQ books

Hi guys! It’s time for a few more book recommendations. Today I decided to recommend you a few of my Favorite LGBTQ books. I haven’t read a lot of LGBTQ but I loved most of the books that I’ve read that dealt with this and I really wanted to have a reason to talk about them so here it is.  So let’s see which books made to this list 🙂 . Continue reading

Another Day (Every Day #2) by David Levithan – Review

18459855Publication Date:

August 25, 2015


Random House Children’s

Goodreads Synopsis: 

The eagerly anticipated companion to David Levithan’s New York Times bestseller Every Day

In this enthralling companion to his New York Times bestseller Every Day, David Levithan (co-author of Will Grayson, Will Grayson with John Green) tells Rhiannon’s side of the story as she seeks to discover the truth about love and how it can change you.

Every day is the same for Rhiannon. She has accepted her life, convinced herself that she deserves her distant, temperamental boyfriend, Justin, even established guidelines by which to live: Don’t be too needy. Avoid upsetting him. Never get your hopes up.

Until the morning everything changes. Justin seems to see her, to want to be with her for the first time, and they share a perfect day—a perfect day Justin doesn’t remember the next morning. Confused, depressed, and desperate for another day as great as that one, Rhiannon starts questioning everything. Then, one day, a stranger tells her that the Justin she spent that day with, the one who made her feel like a real person . . . wasn’t Justin at all.


*ARC provided by NetGalley in exchange for an honest review*

I’ve read Every Day last year and I loved it because it had such an interesting concept and was so well written. You can imagine that when I heard that David Levithan was writing a companion novel I was excited but also afraid that it would disappoint me. I actually enjoyed this book but not as much as Every Day. However I was already expecting to not like this book as much as the first one so I was not disappointed when I finished it. In Every Day we have the story of A, a person that inhabits another person’s body for one day and lives a «normal» life. This is until A meets Rhiannon. In Another Day we have the same story but from Rhiannon POV and this is something that makes the difference between the two books. I liked Rhiannon POV and it was pretty interesting to see how much she struggled to understand her feelings for A and understand A in general. I liked to read her doubts about this difficult situation and how she tried to deal with this. However this were the only moments that I liked Rhiannon and I really didn’t like her much in most of the book. Still, I enjoyed this book and I liked to learn about A again but from a different perspective. Another thing that I liked was how different the end was. In Every Day we have closure for A but in Another Day it looks like Rhiannon might want to go look for A and get answers.

Overall, this is an interesting book especially because it deals with a non-gender specific person and how this affect its relationships.. If you like to read contemporary novels with different themes you should try to read this book. And if you haven’t read Every Day yet what are you waiting for?


3.5 stars

Have you read this book? If so, what did you think about it? If you haven’t read it would you read it?

T5W – Books I Want to See As TV Shows

Hi. It’s wednesday again which means that it’s that time of the week again when I bring you the Top 5 Wednesdays, created by gingerreadslainey. If you want to know how T5W works you can go to the Goodreads group by clicking here. This weeks theme is Top 5 Books you Want to See as TV Shows. I prefer TV shows instead of movies because they are longer and that leads to a better character development. So let’s start it and see which books I would like to see as TV shows.

5. The Luxe Series by Anna Godbersen

Who wouldn’t want to see something similar to Gossip Girl but in the beginning of the twentieth century?? This would be everyone guilty pleasure and would be so cool. Can someone make it happen please?

4. Every Day by David Levithan

This book would be amazing as a TV show because of the concept behind it. It would be possible to have a different story in each episode and the main character would have to be played by different actors/actresses in each episode. How cool would it be?

3. Throne of Glass by Sarah J. Maas

I have just finished Throne of Glass and I already think that this should be a TV show. I know that most people would say that this is better in a movie but these books characters deserve much more and a TV show would allow better characters development and a better understanding of the story behind them.

2. The Infernal Devices by Cassandra Clare

This is a choice that is related to my number 1 pick =). The story is so amazing that I thin that they could do a spin-off to Shadowhunters and create a new TV show with different stories and different characters. (Let’s be real, I want to know who they would pick to play Will)

1. The Mortal Instruments by Cassandra Clare

I know, Shadowhunters is coming… But I’m so excited (and cautious) that I had to put this a my number 1. Let’s just hope that it ends up being better than the movie because the fans deserve a much better adaptation to these books than that movie. And by the way, I know that Robert is not coming back as Simon but can we have Godfrey Gao back as Magnus? Pleaseeee…

Books you Want to See as TV Shows

So this was my top 5 books I want to see as TV shows. Who would you add to this list?