T5W – Fictional Jobs

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It’s that time of the week again when I bring you the Top 5 Wednesdays, created by gingerreadslainey and hosted by Sam @ThoughtsOnTomes. If you want to know how T5W works you can go to the Goodreads group by clicking here. This week theme is Fictional Jobs You’d Want to Have : 

– Any fictional career you’d want to have? Remember, T5W is always open to movies, tv, and video games as well. –

This might be one of the most awesome but also difficult themes ever. I just love the idea of some fictional jobs and I love that I can talk about it. Here are my choices:

Doctor’s companion

I don’t care if being a Doctor’s companion might be dangerous at some points but can I be one please? I love the idea of being able to travel through time and space and meet new species. It would be an awesome job.

Care of Magical Creatures Professor

You know how every kid wants to be a vet at some point of their life? My grownup option is to be a Care of Magical Creatures Professor or something like that. Honestly, I just want to do something like Newt Scamander but being a professor instead. However, if he wants to leave me his suitcase I wouldn’t be mad.

Firebird tester

I just love the idea of the Firebird and traveling through different dimensions so I would be a Firebird tester in a heartbeat. I just don’t want to go through what Marguerite went. I t would be better if my job was a little bit more smoother.

A Thousand Pieces of You (Firebird, #1)

Work at Le Cirque des Rêves

I don’t care about what the hell I would have to do at Le Cirque de Rêves, I really don’t. I would just need an opportunity to get a job in there doing whatever so I could travel with the circus everywhere. That would make me happy.

Resultado de imagem para night circus

An Avenger

This might not be the best option for me because I’m not got at fighting but it would be kind of cool to be an Avenger. Then Steve Rodgers would meet me and see how awesome I am (not really XD) and we would be happy together :P.

These are some Fictional Jobs I’d Want to Have. What about you? What did you include in your top?

17 thoughts on “T5W – Fictional Jobs

  1. Magizoologist, like Newt any day! I’m also definitely with you on the Le Cirque des Rêves front.

    Wouldn’t mind being Baba Yaga in any of her incarnations – that’s a job in itself. 😛


  2. You were able to come up with some amazing answers for this! I skipped this week’s because I couldn’t think of any, but I love all of these!


  3. Care of Magical Creatures job would be so exciting! But I would love, love, love to be part of  Le Cirque de Rêves, it would be so magical and the best job ever 💕


  4. Pingback: Monthly Wrap-Up – March 2017 | The Girl Who Read Too Much

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