Book Traveling Thursdays #5 – A Book that you Loved when you were a Little Reader

Today is thursday which means that is Book Traveling Thursdays, a weekly meme created by me and Danielle @ Danielle’s Book Blog. This weekly meme consists in picking a book related to the weekly theme that is announced in the group Goodreads page (if you want to join click here) at the beginning of each month. After that you can write a blog post where you explain why you choose that book and choose different covers from different countries. To make it a little bit easy you are going to choose different editions of the original cover, the cover from your country, your favorite cover, and your least favorite cover. This week theme is A Book that you Loved when you were a Little Reader which means that he have to choose our favorite childhood book. This week theme was a little difficult for me for different reasons. First, I didn’t like to read when I was a kid. Normally if I read it was because I had to for school. Another problem is that most of the books I’ve read as a kid are from portuguese authors that normally don’t have translations. However I was able to find a book that I had to read when I was 9/10 years-old and that I loved. The book for this week is A Menina do Mar by Sophia de Mello Breyner Andresen

Original Cover and Cover from my Country (Portugal):

capa original

I think this is the original cover. I’m not sure because this book was released in 1958 and as you might imagine I wasn’t born yet 😛 . It’s a good cover for something that was released in the 50s. Not my favorite but still good.

Favorite Covers:

00000 favorita  meu país 1  espanha

The first cover it’s my absolute favorite. It’s also the one I had for the last 15 years. I like the simplicity. The second one it’s another portuguese editions and I think that this is the one that they sell now. It’s extremely cute and I like the illustrations. The last one it’s a spanish edition and I like how the little girl is dancing. It’s related to the book I promise you.

Least Favorite Covers:

0000000000000000000000000meu país 2   frança

For some reason I don’t like these covers as much as the other. All the covers I show in this post are the ones that I found for this book (I told you it would be difficult) and I had to choose a few for my least favorite. There’s no specific reason, I just like the other a lot more.

So this is it, this week Book Traveling Thursdays. What did you think of these covers? Tell me in the comments 🙂 .

7 thoughts on “Book Traveling Thursdays #5 – A Book that you Loved when you were a Little Reader

  1. Pingback: September Wrap-Up | The Girl Who Read Too Much

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