Book Traveling Thursdays #66 – Emotional Reads!

Today is thursday which means that is Book Traveling Thursdays, a weekly meme created by me and Danielle @ Danielle’s Book Blog. This weekly meme consists in picking a book related to the weekly theme that is announced in the group Goodreads page (if you want to join click here) at the beginning of each month. After that you can write a blog post where you explain why you choose that book and choose different covers from different countries. To make it a little bit easy you are going to choose different editions of the original cover, the cover from your country, your favorite cover, and your least favorite cover.

This week’s theme is Some books make us cry… Choose a book that made you emotional!  So today I decided choose a book that took me by surprise and that made me more than emotional. The book for this week is Life After Juliet by Shannon Lee Alexander. I can’t even explain how emotional this one made me so if you want to you can read my review here. Also, this book only has one cover so I won’t have a lot to talk about XD. So let’s see some covers for this book:

Original and Favorite Cover:

Life After Juliet

I really like this cover and it was actually the first thing that caught my eye when I first saw this book. I just really like the look of this cover, the colors and the title positioning. This cover just looks really good.

So this is it, this week Book Traveling Thursdays. What did you think of these covers? Tell me in the comments 🙂

5 thoughts on “Book Traveling Thursdays #66 – Emotional Reads!

  1. Pingback: Book Traveling Thursdays: Emotional Reads / 08.12.2016 | Midnight Breed

  2. Pingback: Monthly Wrap-Up – December | The Girl Who Read Too Much

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